Well if you are here that must only mean one thing, you are reading this. I'm Nikole a 14 year old nobody. Welcome to my blog. This is my first time actually legit blogging if you don't count my tumblr. but then again I don't really post my written opinions on tumblr do I. Enter, stranger, but take heed, you are wandering into where you cannot return. Well I guess I'm not really that sorry because I stopped regretting things ages ago, but this picture was a perfect for the moment when I saw it. I've changed a lot, in opinion and choices after I found the Tumblr lord. I don't mean the getting used to seeing genitalia or the people procreating. I mean to say I've become more open towards things I won't have even dared talk about a year ago. Tumblr has made me, me. Winter is here, but I have the extreme unfortunate luck of being born in an asian country. I can only try to feel like my feet are freezing while I blog away the rain...
Everything I'd like to admit but don't in real life
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Don't worry if I don't reply fast :( I still figuring blogger out *he he*