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Planetary Trajectories

Space is a wonderful thing, I have a slight unhealthy obsession with planets and stars and depthless black holes. The way it makes me feel so irrelevant and immaterial. The sheer overwhelming size of it all. The star studded universe with a million other planets and parallel earths. How could one not be fascinated by its ambiguity ? Our galaxy is perfect, a swirl of frothy cream in the inky abyss of vacuum. how perfectly the planets align and how beautifully the moon shines. Space is a wonder to behold.

I used to think it was stupid of men and women alike to spend their time aimlessly thinking about their love, plucking the petals off of flowers and writing exaggerated poems and ballads about their true loves brows. but once you find your love, its hard not to spend every waking moment thinking about them, their eyes, the touch of their skin against yours, the graze of their lips against yours. The sudden rush of blood to your cheeks and goosebumps that accompany your smile every time you see them. The aimless thoughts about redeeming and proving yourself to them. It's sweet and painful duet of like minds and hearts.

This picture is beautiful in a way I can't describe how, the pale smoothness of skin and soft suffused colors of the flowers. Reminiscent of Ophelia drowning in the river, a modern day interpretation. It is simple and quaint in a elaborate and decorated way. The soft curves of her body and the slight wave of her red hair is a sign from the time of earls and kings. 

If only I was that good at photo manipulation. I have an eye for beauty and detail that is often many times lost on others. They do not appreciate the simple pleasures of life. not even the plain majesty of dew drops glittering like diamonds on a spiders web, or the lazy and comforting haze of a fog on a winters morning.


  1. I love the images here! Loved your blog and will come back for sure! I find it very inspirational...

    Oh, I just started following you on GFC by the way! Hope you come by my blog sometime too! Would love to know what you think about it, and maybe follow me back if you like it? We can also follow each other everywhere else;)!

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